Find products to sell online for free

Import Stampr Marketplace products into your store with a single tap. You sell, we pack and ship.

Browse products Learn more
Run on autopilot

How it works

We've partnered with great local and global brands to allow you to sell their products in your store. You sell, we do the rest.

Find products

Browse Stampr Marketplace for products you like. Import them to your store with one tap, and start selling!

No inventory or investment

Selling marketplace products is included free with every Stampr account, and there is no inventory to buy or manage.

You sell, we ship

Your customers buy from you and we pack and ship on your behalf from our warehouse.

Included with your account

No separate service. Stampr Marketplace is included at no cost with your free Stampr account.

Grow your brand

Where do you fit?

Find products to sell or apply to have your products sold by others.

I want to find products to sell

Browse an eclectic catalogue of almost 80,000 sweet and stylish products from trusted brands. Stocking your online store takes literally a few taps.

Perfect for novices or ninjas

Built for simplicity. Customize as much as you're comfortable.

No subscription or credit card required

The cost of the product is deducted at the time of sale. No risk.

Free review products

Earn marketplace rewards to get access to free products and more!

Create a free account

I want others to sell my products

Have your own products? You've come to the right place. We're always looking to help great brands expand their reach and include them in our marketplace.

Find new customers

Products in our marketplace are immediately available to thousands of stores.

Control who can sell

Maintain brand integrity and limit who can sell your goods — even MAP support.

No setup required

Don't lift a finger. We take care of everything.

Request more information

Trusted & tested.

Products for sale
Cost of service

Create a free account!

No subscription or credit card required.